Operators/Directors: Laura-Lee Kowal & Juli McManus Main Phone- 403 241-3052
Program Phone Numbers: | Program Directors: |
Ranchlands – 403 990-5099 | Emilse Ortega |
Banff Trail – 403 220-1797 | Dora Galdi |
Cambrian Heights – 403 289-4466 | Erin Burnie/Kerry Grimes |
Buchanan – 403 230-4291 | Michelle Lim |
Highwood – 403 861-1615 | Shiyu Zhuang and Joey Tan |
Hawkwood – 403-701-3606 | Keiko Sato |
Evanston – 587-228-4797 | Kelsey Bridgett |
Bowcroft – 587-578-1557 | Teresa Famaran and Denise Kilbourn |
Catherine Nichols Gunn – 587-226-6408 | Britt Stothert |
Please contact your director with any questions you may have.
Website: www.childrencomefirst.ca
You will find useful information about our programs, including monthly newsletters, parent handbooks, and general information about who we are. Help us save paper and explore our website.
Covid 19 and Sick children: We will adhere to AHS policies and recommendations for child care programs. We have been grouped by AHS Guidance for School RE-Entry – Scenario 1 dated July 21, 20. This was emailed to all CBE and Catholic families last week. These guidelines are changing and we will commit to following all regulations. All staff, parents and children entering the program must complete an initial Screening questionnaire and submit to the program. All staff, parents and children must then do a daily self-screening. Cleaning and sanitizing will be done frequently especially high touch points.
Pick-ups and Drop offs– Curbside or Door Pick up -Children who are registered for mornings – we are asking that parents do not come into the building if possible. All programs are locked programs for security and a staff will greet you and your child at the door. Staff will sign your child in and out daily. If you need to come in you will be limited to how long you can stay at the program. You can only enter with a completed Screening Questionnaire. Children may not stay if they are feeling ill.
Parents – upon arriving at the program for the afternoon pick-up, please call the program when you arrive and we will get your child ready and meet you at the door.
Sick children cannot attend the program. If your child requires medication to be taken at the program, please see a staff. Medication release forms are mandatory and must be completed in full before a staff may administer any medication. We have specific Licensing rules and procedures to administer medication. Call us if your child is not attending.
First day of school: Please let us know if your child will attend the first day of our program. All new children need to meet the staff prior to school starting. Please come to the school and ring our door bell. A staff will meet you and your child at the door. You will need to complete and submit your child’s initial AHS Covid Screening Questionnaire. All new children to the program will be asked to wear a Kids Come First wrist band so that it reminds them and their teacher that they’ll be attending our program. It’s important that we meet your child as we’ll need to pick up after school. If your child will not attend the first day, please call the program directly.
Kindergarten Children: First day of care is the first day of school.
Kinder programs located within schools. Children will be walked to and from their class by our staff.
Ranchlands location – Kids Come First will not take children to their FIRST staggered entry; however, they may remain at the program if needed. Please ensure to submit staggered entry dates to your program as early as possible.
Lunch Program & Snacks (programs that offer lunch care): Please refrain from sending your child’s lunch in a grocery bag. Microwave lunches are permitted at Ranchlands Kinder and lunch component, Highwood Kinder, Cambrian Kinder and Bowcroft Kinder. Send lunches in reusable microwave containers. Hot water is available for cup of soup. Please send healthy lunches. Provincial licensing recommends 4 food groups in your child’s lunch. Many “lunch-ables” and pre- packaged processed foods (i.e. chicken nuggets with fries and canned pasta) are not healthy and should not be sent. Pop is not permitted. Be sure to send your child with healthy snacks for the mornings and afternoons. Snacks are not provided by the program
Non School Days and School Breaks are not included in your monthly fees. A fee of $20/day will be charged to offset the extra staffing hours. Due to Covid –School locations cannot be combined on non-school days therefore unless the program has a minimum of 10 children signed up, we cannot open that location. Note- this may change if cohorts are relaxed. The deadline to sign up will be 2 weeks prior to the non-school day. If you do not sign up and pay the $20 fee, we will assume you do not need the spot for that day; the deadline will be posted and kept!!! Your $20.00 will be refunded if we cannot open due to low enrollment. Do not miss out. Friday early dismissals are included in your monthly fees.
Monthly Fees:
Fees are due on the first of each month. Please mail your postdated cheques by August 15/2020.
Mailing address –
Children Come First
117 Kincora Cove NW
Calgary, AB T3R 1L1
Date your cheques Sept 1 to June 1. Parents paying fees after the first are subject to a $10.00 late charge. Parents not paying fees on time may risk their child’s spot in the program. Repeat offenders may also be asked to leave the program.
1 Component -$375 per month. 2-Components -$425 per month
3- Components $450 per month (Ranchlands only). ½ day Kindergarten $750 per month. (Full day kindergarten $375 pm /$425.00 am/pm Catherine Nichols Gunn only)
Subsidy Parents: Please ensure that your subsidy is up to date and that the location you choose is the proper program location. Subsidy is a contract between parents and the province. We cannot contact subsidy on your behalf. If subsidy doesn’t cover the full amount, you are required to remit to the program the amount that wasn’t paid. Subsidy parents must ensure their subsidy is up to date. Please submit your post-dated cheques for the year. Maximum subsidy for gr. 1-6 $366.00/ month Kinder subsidy is $ 644.00/month. Children who attend afternoons only and you receive full subsidy from gr. 1-6, your monthly fee will be $9.00 per month. You may combine your monthly fee to one or two payments instead of giving 10 postdated cheques.
Late Arrival Fees:
There is a late fee of $1/ minute if you arrive after 6:00 pm. Please make alternate arrangements for your child’s pick up if you think you are going to be late. Those months where the weather can make commuting difficult, please ensure you give yourself sufficient time to arrive at the program by 6pm.
Files: All children’s files need to be reviewed and updated frequently. Be sure to review your child’s registration form for us and update information that has changed i.e. Work changes, emergency contact changes and medical changes.
Clothing: Children need to be dressed appropriately for the weather. All children are required to have indoor shoes. It is a licensing requirement. Belongings: Label all of your child’s belongings. Toys from home are not allowed!
Kids Clubs
Encourage your child to be involved at Kids Come First by joining a Kids Club. Kids Club activities are planned by the staff and children.
Parent Participation (Suspended due to Covid)
Parents are an integral part of the program. You are welcome to give suggestions regarding programing.
You are also welcome to share your talents, traditions and culture during kids’ clubs and special events. Please see a staff if you’d like to participate!
Withdrawal Policy – Kids Come First requires 2 months written notice on the first of the month to withdraw from the program. Your pre-paid deposit will be refunded to you after your last months’ fees have cleared and your child has finished the program. Subsidy parents deposit will be held until the subsidy program has paid for the last month of care and the child has been terminated by subsidy. Take note: subsidy pays actual hours for the first and last months of care. If your child does not attend the full 50 hours required, fees for that month will be pro-rated, hence incurring an extra fee paid by you to the program.
If you withdraw without adequate notice, you will be required to pay the fees owing for early cancellation and you will forfeit your deposit.
After Hours Emergency Number: Call 403-241-3052
Suggestions, Comments: Kids Come First are happy to hear from our clients. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please address them to the director. You may also email Laura Lee/Juli @ kcf93@telus.net or call 403 241-3052. Please refrain from approaching the school administrators with questions regarding the program. The school administrators are not up to date on best practices in the school age child care field nor are they aware of our policies and procedures.
We are looking forward to a great year! Please feel free to speak/email us or the Program Directors at during business hours.
Kindest regards,
Juli & Laura-Lee