Emergency Phone : 403-241-3052 - Follow voicemail for further instructions

Non Profit School Age Programs

We currently provide Out of School Care for 5-12 year olds at all our locations.
Out of School Care is currently provided at:

  • North Haven
  • Banff Trail School
  • Bowcroft School
  • Cambrian Heights School
  • Highwood School
  • Hawkwood School
  • Kenneth D. Taylor School

Kindergarten Full Time Care is also available at the North Haven, Highwood and Bowcroft locations for $775/month.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday

Before School Open at 7:00 AM,

After School Closed at 6:00 PM

School Breaks 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Hours of operation may vary from location to location.


  1. AM Care only: $425/month
  2. PM Care only: $425/month
  3. AM & PM: $475/month

Fees do not include PD days or breaks. PD days and Breaks are $30 per day.

Non Profit School Age Programs

Philosophy:  To provide a supplement to the home in the terms of a safe, loving and secure environment where children can express themselves through creative activities.  Providing an atmosphere in which staff and parents feel comfortable and are able to work together in the children’s best interest.